Sales Support Careers

Find a career you can believe in

Our sales support team helps agents in sales, training, and customer care. We collaborate to find options that meet customers' unique insurance and financial needs.

State Farm® agents are independent contractors who help meet the needs of over 42 million customers. We work alongside of the 19,000-plus agents to offer tools, training, and technology to support them and their teams.

Different roles in sales support careers

Agency Recruiting
We create plans to attract, prepare, and retain quality State Farm agency interns. We aim to build a pool of high-quality, agent candidates to help customers, succeed, and grow the business.

Agency Field Services
We deliver sales, process, and technology training to help agents and their team members in one-on-one, group, and virtual sessions that best support agents’ business needs.

Agency Sales Resources
We help agents meet organizational goals through a variety of shared services and resources that support them and agency field leadership.

Agency Training & Delivery
Our team delivers sales training to enable performance, support business results, and position agents and their teams to help customers manage risks and plan ahead.

Customer Care Center
We partner with agents and leadership to create a consistent experience for customers regardless of how or when they interact with State Farm®.