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Customer Service Careers
Our team is here for you
We answer calls and work behind the scenes with customers, other departments, and agents to get the job done right. Customer Service employees are the voice of State Farm® – upholding a tradition and culture of helping others.
Work environment
Customer Service teams are structured and designed for high-volume workloads. Employees’ performances are closely monitored to ensure customers are well taken care of. Typically, work spaces are shared to manage rotations. In these environments, people work a variety of schedules including mornings, afternoons, evenings, weekends, and some holidays.
Traits for success
Team members who experience the most success in customer service roles have strong relationship-building, empathetic listening, and communication skills. They’re able to handle different tasks in a short time while on the phone or computer. Some positions require licensing. Others require bilingual (Spanish) fluency.
Different locations
We’re looking to fill customer service job openings in Atlanta, Bloomington, Dallas, and Phoenix. Each location offers unique conveniences to help employees balance their commute times, shopping, and entertainment with their work schedules. Once in the office, our work spaces are open, modern, and collaborative.
Check this out
Watch these videos to get a realistic view of working here.
What It’s Like | Life Response Center (LRC) | State Farm®
Scenes around the exterior of the State Farm Life Response Center are seen, and then we see the entrance. Next, we see Paul working in his cubicle, and then we see others working at other cubicles.
(Text on screen)
What It’s Like: Life Response Center Paul Representative Life Response Center
(Speaker: Paul)
Thank you for calling the Life Response Center. This is Paul. How may I assist? Good morning, Jesse. And how are you? I've been with State Farm almost three years. And before I came to State Farm, I worked as an auditor for a title company.
We see Christie speaking to the camera.
(Text on screen)
Christie Representative Life Response Center
(Speaker: Christie)
So when I first was exposed to State Farm, I worked for an agent's office. And working for a contractor is a lot different than my role now, which is working for the company as an employee. So the people who call me are the ones that I used to do their job.
We see Joe, alternately working at his cubicle and speaking outside his cubicle.
(Text on screen)
Jose Representative Life Response Center
(Speaker: Jose)
I waited tables for about three years before I got here. Yeah. I had never worked at a call center before. So yeah, it was a dramatic change. But the training helped out a lot. We take inbound phone calls from agents, and we assist them with anything that has to do with a life policy.
Christie is seen speaking near her cubicle.
(Speaker: Christie)
I handle financials calls, whether it's a tax-qualified annuity plan or a non-tax qualified. I get to assist with existing policies and new applications for any of those types of areas.
We see Paul working at his desk and then speaking outside his cubicle.
(Speaker: Paul)
How's it going today? You can have questions as it relates to, why is my bill showing past due when I've sent in my payment? Or I asked for a policy loan and I still haven't received my check. Every tier worked here at the Life Response Center requires that we have a certain amount of time dedicated towards training.
(Text on screen)
What we expect from you:
• Positive attitude
• Successful completion of training
• Think critically
• Be technically agile and open to new ideas
• Personal accountability toward work and schedules
• Share empathy and care with customer
Women are seen training together at a cubicle, and then we see Christie speaking outside a cubicle again. Then we see two women training together.
(Speaker: Christie)
We go through basically six weeks of training, which includes on-boarding learning about company policies. They wanted to make sure that we were very confident in knowing everything that we were seeing in the policy.
Paul speaking outside a cubicle.
(Speaker: Paul)
Well, fortunately, throughout the calls, you have links on our computers to ensure that we're giving the appropriate response.
(Text on screen)
What to expect:
• Work with various computer programs and tools
• Be a resource to agency, healthcare providers and customers
• Team-oriented work environment
• Competitive work shift opportunities
We see workers at their cubicles, and then we see Christie speaking. Next, we see Paul speaking.
(Text on screen)
Calls may be monitored or recorded for coaching purposes.
(Speaker: Christie)
Sometimes they're not going to be happy with your answer. Sometimes just letting them vent. So do I sit in the back of my mind and think about my call being recorded? No, I really don't.
(Speaker: Paul)
It's just an opportunity to make sure that we are providing the consistent and accurate information that we are tasked to do.
We see workers having a meeting in a casual classroom, and then we see Jose speaking.
(Speaker: Jose)
We have huddles where the team meets as a whole and discusses events here or changes that are going on with life policies.
(Text on screen)
What we offer:
• Comprehensive benefits
• Tuition reimbursements
• Paid training
• Paid time off
• Community involvement
• Career development
• Annual merit reviews and incentive opportunity
• Credit Union
• Employee discount programs
We see multiple scenes of workers in the workplace, interacting together. Then we see Christie speaking outside a cubicle. Next, we see a high-speed scene of workers in a hallway, and then an outside shot of an upper-story balcony.
(Speaker: Paul)
I sense the support in my one on one when I'm speaking to my supervisor. We're talking about development.
(Speaker: Jose)
It's amazing how many opportunities that there are.
(Speaker: Christie)
If we see something that we think needs changed, we can submit to see if we can incorporate it, and it only makes our operation better. And in the long run it helps the policyholder. And that's really what we're here to do is solidify those relationships with our policyholders and to make sure that they're well taken care of. So I'm very blessed and fortunate to be able to be here.
(Text on screen)
Join our community of good neighbors. State Farm logo Apply today at statefarm.com/careers
What It’s Like | Customer Care Center | State Farm®
Music up. Common theme for all four pieces in this series. Roughly :10 sec.
Theme music fades (overlap associate line with end of theme music)
Teresa on camera (overhearing greeting): [Thank you for calling State Farm, this is Teresa. How may I help you?]
Montage of 4-5 beauty shots from State Farm Hub and CoSo locations
GRAFX over footage: What it’s like: Customer Care Center
Music changes
Wider shot of Teresa’s cube and her on the phone
Teresa: (39064) 13:04:11 A lot of call centers people think that you’re making outbound calls and getting hung up on. This is completely different to where they’re calling us with what they need and we’re just trying to give them the best service as possible.
Teresa on cam
GRAFX lower 1/3: Teresa State Farm Customer Care Associate
Ending with Teresa talking on phone
Peter: (39064) 08:52:48 It's about being able to protect the customer, provide information as far as what insurance covers
Peter on camera
GRAFX lower 1/3 over footage: Peter State Farm Customer Care Associate
Peter talking on a call. (4-5 sec)
Music up or music and environmental chatter
Graphic over white panel: What to expect:
• share empathy and care with the customer
• contact center environment
• multi-tasking through multiple applications
• successfully complete training programs
• reps utilize process guides, scripts and job aids
Mishal: (39065) 16:46:19 We sit down at the beginning of our shift. We check our emails and do any other thing we need to do. And then we’ll get on the phone basically. Mishal State Farm Customer Care Associate
Natural sound from Mishal on a call
b-roll of her working on a call
Giovanna: (39065) 10:11:03 It’s purely inbound. And we get calls spanning from adding vehicles, claims, billing questions, everything under the roof basically.
GRAFX lower 1/3: Giovanna State Farm Customer Care Associate Giovanna speaking on cam. b-roll of others on phones
Mishal: (39065) 16:50:36 I have learned so much. But it’s because of the training, it’s because of the nesting. Nesting is basically what you transition to once you’re done with official training.
Training b-roll
Teresa: (39064) 13:06:13 There is a little bit of a nesting type period to where you’re around other people who have done the job and you can raise your hand and ask questions.
Teresa in meeting or 1-1 with her boss
And then a couple huddle shots
Giovanna: (39065) 10:15:55 we get graded calls each month. Basically it allows us to know in those specific calls what is it that we can work on and what are we doing well to continue doing.
Giovanna talking with mgr.
Giovanna or unknown team member on phone
Graphic (disclaimer): Calls may be monitored or recorded for coaching purposes
Music up, as we overhear associates taking general information over the phone
Graphic over white panel
What It’s like?
• fast-paced
• customer-focused
• structured yet flexible
• making a difference
• taking ownership of the call
• work environment is 24-hour day, 7-day week
Mishal: (39065) 17:06:10 State Farm definitely does invest in your development. I’m able to shadow other people in other departments to see what their job is like to see if I’m interested in eventually transferring over to different position. So this is not just like a solo job where just working on your own and you don’t get to interact with other people.
Mishal speaking on camera, working at her desk talking with her supervisor
Peter: (39064) 09:05:05 To stay fresh and stay upbeat and make sure you treat the first customer as good as the last customer, we always have a break time every about three hours, and also between calls we have wrap-up time.
We hear and see Peter on a call, being upbeat and friendly with a customer
We see Peter working at his computer or decompressing at his desk
Mishal: (39065) 16:59:15 And we have to take accountability. We have to own the call, but we also have to make sure that we’re leading the call in the correct direction.
Mishal owning the phone ;)
Music up with work environment sound.
Graphic over footage:
What we offer:
• comprehensive benefits
• commissions on sales*
• tuition reimbursement
• community involvement
• paid training
• job coaching
• annual merit reviews and incentive opportunity
• bilingual pay*
*Certain conditions apply.
We hear an associate have a friendly exchange over the phone as he/she wraps up a call with a policyholder.
Medium shot of associate
Tight shot of associate on headset
Tight shots of screen, keyboard, mouse
Peter: (39064) 09:23:24 It can be stressful, but in this type of environment everyone's very encouraging. Everyone helps out.
Medium and tight shot of busy associate(s)
Mishal: (39065) 17:10:01 I would say at the end of the day sometimes I am exhausted. But there will be like one or two calls that will just kind of pop up in my mind like I really did a good job on that call or I’m so glad I was able to help somebody.
Mishal working, talking on the phone (we faintly hear that).
Teresa: (39064) 13:14:50 you want to make sure that whenever they hang up that they, they’re like wow State Farm is really a great company, I’m glad I got that customer service.
Teresa on phone
Teresa to camera to finish.
Music up
Graphic overlay over similar work environment footage to the opening (common close):
Join our community of good neighbors.
(State Farm Logo)
Apply today at statefarm.com/careers
Music fades…
What It’s Like | Health Response Center (HRC) | State Farm®
A subway train is seen moving through the dark. Multiple outdoor shots of a State Farm office building, campus and surrounding area are seen. Next, we see people walking through the building and across the campus. Then we see Kristen working at her desk and then speaking in a hallway.
(Text on screen)
What It’s Like: Health Response Center Kristen Tier 2 Representative Health Response Center
(Speaker: Kristen)
Thank you for calling State Farm Health, this is Kristen, how can I help you? I work in the Health Response Center. I'm tier 2 trained. Mostly we take incoming phone calls from agents or agent staff who call to get a better understanding of a policy and how it works, what the eligibility is, underwriting requirements.
We see Desiree working at her desk.
(Text on screen)
Desiree Tier 1 Representative Health Response Center
(Speaker: Desiree)
Tier one is new business, that's where I'm in. We usually handle, of course, new business, incoming applications, any sort of eligibility, any underwriting requirements. I started out my first job was just being like waitress, just food service.
We see Charity speaking at her desk.
(Text on screen)
Charity Tier 2 Representative Health Response Center
(Speaker: Charity)
So I was an appliance salesperson at a department store before I started working for State Farm. State Farm does a great job at giving us the tools necessary to handle our job.
(Text on screen)
What we expect from you:
• Positive attitude
• Successful completion of training
• Be technically agile and open to new ideas
• Personal accountability toward work and schedules
• Share empathy and care with customer
We see people in a training session, And then we see Kristen speaking in a hallway. Next, we see several different people working at their desks, and then we see Charity speaking.
(Speaker: Kristen)
It was fairly intense training. You start out as a tier 1. So you come in, you learn about new business, about the product.
(Speaker: Desiree)
They don't just throw you out into the ocean, sink or swim. They'll give you all the tools that you're going to need for the job.
(Speaker: Charity)
We started learning about running the systems and just getting comfortable with our resources that were at our hands.
We see several scenes of people training together.
(Text on screen)
Calls may be monitored or recorded for coaching purposes.
(Speaker: Desiree)
We do, are recorded for quality purposes and training purposes on our phones. Usually our team lead, they'll go ahead and give that to you in a breakdown and they'll let you know exactly what's needed to work on.
(Text on screen)
What to expect:
• Work with various computer programs and tools
• Be a resource to agency, healthcare providers and customers
• Team-oriented work environment
• Competitive work shift opportunities
We see Kristen speaking, and then we see other workers in their individual work spaces, and then we see them gathering for a meeting.
(Speaker: Kristen)
One of the challenges that we face is that there is a lot of change in the insurance industry in general.
(Speaker: Desiree)
In the beginning of the week is a little bit more hectic. Towards the end of the week, you have time to go recuperate from that last call and get ready for the next one.
(Speaker: Kristen)
So we have our huddle meetings where we can come together, discuss any changes to our resources, anything that could possibly be coming up that agents are going to be calling in about.
(Text on screen)
• Comprehensive benefits
• Tuition reimbursement
• Paid training
• Paid time off
• Community involvement
• Career development
• Annual merit reviews and incentive opportunity
• Credit Union
• Employee discount programs
We see two employees chatting in a common area, then we see employees interacting. We see Charity and Desiree working at their desks.
(Speaker: Charity)
Within State Farm, there are definitely opportunities to see where you want to go and build your career here.
(Speaker: Kristen)
Knowing that I'm helping to make an insured's day better, that's definitely the best part of my job.
(Speaker: Charity)
You're very welcome. Have a wonderful day.
(Speaker: Desiree)
I like helping people. You can actually hear in their voice that they're happy, and it just gives you enthusiasm for the next call.
We see people walking through the halls in high-speed motion. Then we see employees on an upper story balcony, and an aerial view of the State Farm building.
(Text on screen)
Join our community of good neighbors. State Farm logo Apply today at statefarm.com/careers
What It's Like | Customer Care Center – Acquisition | State Farm®
Scenes around the exterior of the State Farm Life Response Center are seen, and then we see the entrance. Next, we see Paul working in his cubicle, and then we see others working at other cubicles.
(Text on screen)
What It’s Like: Life Response Center Paul Representative Life Response Center
(Speaker: Paul)
Thank you for calling the Life Response Center. This is Paul. How may I assist? Good morning, Jesse. And how are you? I've been with State Farm almost three years. And before I came to State Farm, I worked as an auditor for a title company.
We see Christie speaking to the camera.
(Text on screen)
Christie Representative Life Response Center
(Speaker: Christie)
So when I first was exposed to State Farm, I worked for an agent's office. And working for a contractor is a lot different than my role now, which is working for the company as an employee. So the people who call me are the ones that I used to do their job.
We see Joe, alternately working at his cubicle and speaking outside his cubicle.
(Text on screen)
Jose Representative Life Response Center
(Speaker: Jose)
I waited tables for about three years before I got here. Yeah. I had never worked at a call center before. So yeah, it was a dramatic change. But the training helped out a lot. We take inbound phone calls from agents, and we assist them with anything that has to do with a life policy.
Christie is seen speaking near her cubicle.
(Speaker: Christie)
I handle financials calls, whether it's a tax-qualified annuity plan or a non-tax qualified. I get to assist with existing policies and new applications for any of those types of areas.
We see Paul working at his desk and then speaking outside his cubicle.
(Speaker: Paul)
How's it going today? You can have questions as it relates to, why is my bill showing past due when I've sent in my payment? Or I asked for a policy loan and I still haven't received my check. Every tier worked here at the Life Response Center requires that we have a certain amount of time dedicated towards training.
(Text on screen)
What we expect from you:
• Positive attitude
• Successful completion of training
• Think critically
• Be technically agile and open to new ideas
• Personal accountability toward work and schedules
• Share empathy and care with customer
Women are seen training together at a cubicle, and then we see Christie speaking outside a cubicle again. Then we see two women training together.
(Speaker: Christie)
We go through basically six weeks of training, which includes on-boarding learning about company policies. They wanted to make sure that we were very confident in knowing everything that we were seeing in the policy.
Paul speaking outside a cubicle.
(Speaker: Paul)
Well, fortunately, throughout the calls, you have links on our computers to ensure that we're giving the appropriate response.
(Text on screen)
What to expect:
• Work with various computer programs and tools
• Be a resource to agency, healthcare providers and customers
• Team-oriented work environment
• Competitive work shift opportunities
We see workers at their cubicles, and then we see Christie speaking. Next, we see Paul speaking.
(Text on screen)
Calls may be monitored or recorded for coaching purposes.
(Speaker: Christie)
Sometimes they're not going to be happy with your answer. Sometimes just letting them vent. So do I sit in the back of my mind and think about my call being recorded? No, I really don't.
(Speaker: Paul)
It's just an opportunity to make sure that we are providing the consistent and accurate information that we are tasked to do.
We see workers having a meeting in a casual classroom, and then we see Jose speaking.
(Speaker: Jose)
We have huddles where the team meets as a whole and discusses events here or changes that are going on with life policies.
(Text on screen)
What we offer:
• Comprehensive benefits
• Tuition reimbursements
• Paid training
• Paid time off
• Community involvement
• Career development
• Annual merit reviews and incentive opportunity
• Credit Union
• Employee discount programs
We see multiple scenes of workers in the workplace, interacting together. Then we see Christie speaking outside a cubicle. Next, we see a high-speed scene of workers in a hallway, and then an outside shot of an upper-story balcony.
(Speaker: Paul)
I sense the support in my one on one when I'm speaking to my supervisor. We're talking about development.
(Speaker: Jose)
It's amazing how many opportunities that there are.
(Speaker: Christie)
If we see something that we think needs changed, we can submit to see if we can incorporate it, and it only makes our operation better. And in the long run it helps the policyholder. And that's really what we're here to do is solidify those relationships with our policyholders and to make sure that they're well taken care of. So I'm very blessed and fortunate to be able to be here.
(Text on screen)
Join our community of good neighbors. State Farm logo Apply today at statefarm.com/careers
What It's Like | Customer Care Center – Retention | State Farm®
Scenes around the exterior of the State Farm Life Response Center are seen, and then we see the entrance. Next, we see Paul working in his cubicle, and then we see others working at other cubicles.
(Text on screen)
What It’s Like: Life Response Center Paul Representative Life Response Center
(Speaker: Paul)
Thank you for calling the Life Response Center. This is Paul. How may I assist? Good morning, Jesse. And how are you? I've been with State Farm almost three years. And before I came to State Farm, I worked as an auditor for a title company.
We see Christie speaking to the camera.
(Text on screen)
Christie Representative Life Response Center
(Speaker: Christie)
So when I first was exposed to State Farm, I worked for an agent's office. And working for a contractor is a lot different than my role now, which is working for the company as an employee. So the people who call me are the ones that I used to do their job.
We see Joe, alternately working at his cubicle and speaking outside his cubicle.
(Text on screen)
Jose Representative Life Response Center
(Speaker: Jose)
I waited tables for about three years before I got here. Yeah. I had never worked at a call center before. So yeah, it was a dramatic change. But the training helped out a lot. We take inbound phone calls from agents, and we assist them with anything that has to do with a life policy.
Christie is seen speaking near her cubicle.
(Speaker: Christie)
I handle financials calls, whether it's a tax-qualified annuity plan or a non-tax qualified. I get to assist with existing policies and new applications for any of those types of areas.
We see Paul working at his desk and then speaking outside his cubicle.
(Speaker: Paul)
How's it going today? You can have questions as it relates to, why is my bill showing past due when I've sent in my payment? Or I asked for a policy loan and I still haven't received my check. Every tier worked here at the Life Response Center requires that we have a certain amount of time dedicated towards training.
(Text on screen)
What we expect from you:
• Positive attitude
• Successful completion of training
• Think critically
• Be technically agile and open to new ideas
• Personal accountability toward work and schedules
• Share empathy and care with customer
Women are seen training together at a cubicle, and then we see Christie speaking outside a cubicle again. Then we see two women training together.
(Speaker: Christie)
We go through basically six weeks of training, which includes on-boarding learning about company policies. They wanted to make sure that we were very confident in knowing everything that we were seeing in the policy.
Paul speaking outside a cubicle.
(Speaker: Paul)
Well, fortunately, throughout the calls, you have links on our computers to ensure that we're giving the appropriate response.
(Text on screen)
What to expect:
• Work with various computer programs and tools
• Be a resource to agency, healthcare providers and customers
• Team-oriented work environment
• Competitive work shift opportunities
We see workers at their cubicles, and then we see Christie speaking. Next, we see Paul speaking.
(Text on screen)
Calls may be monitored or recorded for coaching purposes.
(Speaker: Christie)
Sometimes they're not going to be happy with your answer. Sometimes just letting them vent. So do I sit in the back of my mind and think about my call being recorded? No, I really don't.
(Speaker: Paul)
It's just an opportunity to make sure that we are providing the consistent and accurate information that we are tasked to do.
We see workers having a meeting in a casual classroom, and then we see Jose speaking.
(Speaker: Jose)
We have huddles where the team meets as a whole and discusses events here or changes that are going on with life policies.
(Text on screen)
What we offer:
• Comprehensive benefits
• Tuition reimbursements
• Paid training
• Paid time off
• Community involvement
• Career development
• Annual merit reviews and incentive opportunity
• Credit Union
• Employee discount programs
We see multiple scenes of workers in the workplace, interacting together. Then we see Christie speaking outside a cubicle. Next, we see a high-speed scene of workers in a hallway, and then an outside shot of an upper-story balcony.
(Speaker: Paul)
I sense the support in my one on one when I'm speaking to my supervisor. We're talking about development.
(Speaker: Jose)
It's amazing how many opportunities that there are.
(Speaker: Christie)
If we see something that we think needs changed, we can submit to see if we can incorporate it, and it only makes our operation better. And in the long run it helps the policyholder. And that's really what we're here to do is solidify those relationships with our policyholders and to make sure that they're well taken care of. So I'm very blessed and fortunate to be able to be here.
(Text on screen)
Join our community of good neighbors. State Farm logo Apply today at statefarm.com/careers
Reasonable Accommodation Assistance
State Farm is committed to promoting a disability-inclusive workplace and supports company efforts to reasonably accommodate qualified applicants, candidates and employees with disabilities to participate in the hiring process. If reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in the job application or interview process, please complete the Request for a Reasonable Accommodation form or reach out to your State Farm contact.
State Farm is an equal opportunity employer.
Department of Labor (DOL) Federal Notices
Applicants have rights under the following federal employment laws. State Farm complies with guidance from the Department of Labor to ensure that applicants have access to the following federal employment notices found here: Applicant Compliance Notices
© Copyright 2024, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL
We value your privacy. We may collect personal information from you for business, marketing, and commercial purposes. Read more
We value your privacy. We may collect personal information from you such as identifying information (name, address, driver's license number), transactional information (products or services purchased and payment history), digital network activity (interactions with our website, IP address), geo-location data, audio recordings and other forms of personal information. We use this information for business, marketing and commercial purposes, including but not limited to, providing the products and services you request, processing your claims, protecting against fraud, maintaining security, confirming your identity and offering you other insurance and financial products.
For California residents, click here to view the full version of the California Consumer Privacy Notice.
Para español, haga clic aquí para ver la versión completa del Aviso de Privacidad del Consumidor de California. Read less
Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information (CA residents only)